BVSD 360 is a program for middle school that trains 8th graders to be leaders and mentors for 6th graders and new students. The vision of 360 is to create a youth leadership program that supports a positive school culture, eases the transition for incoming students, and creates a sense of belonging and achievement for all students.
Students who want to be 360 leaders may apply at the end of their 7th grade year. Students who demonstrate leadership potential, personal responsibility and a desire to help others will be chosen for this important role.
During the summer, 360 leaders meet and plan for the next school year. When school starts, they lead activities and build community with new 6th graders. Throughout the year they also meet together, learn new skills, and help with school-wide activities. The 360 Leaders are the ambassadors of our school and work very hard to make Manhattan a great place to be.