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School Accountability Committee (SAC)

State and federal governments emphasize the inclusion of families in the educational accountability process. The School Accountability Committee (SAC) is a legally-constituted accountability and advisory committee of parent representatives that report to the school principal.

In general, the SAC is a representative advisory team that reviews school budgets, drives school improvements and supports parent engagement.  In accordance with BVSD policy, a SAC member from each school shall serve on, and communicate with, the District Accountability Committee (DAC).

School Accountability Committee

Information Regarding SAC​
Colorado state law requires that every school has an active School Accountability Committee (SAC). The purpose of this representative advisory committee--comprising parents, teachers, principal, administrators and community members--is to look at school goals, drive school improvements in academics and climate, and review school budgets.

2022-2023 Manhattan SAC

Scheduled meetings for 2022-2023

Location - Virtual via Zoom

Meeting Dates: Tuesday  10/17/23 , 11/14/23, 1/16/24, 03/12/24, 4/9/24, 05/14/24

Time - 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

*If you are interested in joining the MMS SAC, please email Kristen Lewis at

2022-23 Archived Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Primary Roles of SAC

  • ​Advise and make recommendations to the principal concerning the preparation of a school performance or improvement plan (see below for more information on the Unified Improvement Plan--UIP). 
  • Review budget proposals and make recommendations to the principal regarding school spending priorities. 
  • Meet at least quarterly to discuss whether school leadership, personnel and infrastructure are advancing or impeding implementation of the school’s performance or improvement plan. 
  • Provide input and recommendations on an advisory basis to the District Accountability Committee (DAC) and District administration concerning principal development plans. 

Unified Improvement Plan (UIP)

An effective school improvement planning committee allows schools to develop a strategic 2-year plan known as the Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) that focuses on quality education and high levels of student achievement. The plan will drive measurable improvement in achievement and academic growth for all students, as well as measurable improvement in attendance and enrollment, and in school climate and culture. The “UIP” will be used as a regular resource, or “blueprint,” for parents, community, faculty, school staff, students and district administration. The finalized plan must be submitted to state of Colorado by April 1st.

For further details of the role of SAC, please read the comprehensive SAC Handbook that was created by BVSD’s DAC Communications Subcommittee.​

School Accountability Committee Resources

Frequently Asked Questions


Helpful Websites

BVSD Acronyms

CDE | SchoolView
​​​​​​Source for school & district data 

CDE | Unified Improvement Planning

CDE | School & District Accountability Committees (SACs & DACs) 
Responsibilities and associated resources